To donate online with a credit card or Paypal:
To donate online in memory or in honor of someone special:
- If you donate by credit card, you will see a Memorial & Gift option in the form. Please enter the person’s name and “in memory” or “in honor” here.
- If you donate by Paypal account, please enter this information in the “Add a Note” field.
Would you like the honoree or the family to be notified?
- We will gladly mail or email an acknowledgment of your gift. Please include the recipient’s name, mailing or email address, and a short message in the notes.
To donate by check:
Payable to: The Washington Conservatory
Mail to:
Washington Conservatory of Music
7300 MacArthur Boulevard
Glen Echo, MD 20812
To donate with a credit card by phone:
Please call us at 301-320-2770
Monday – Friday, 10 am – 6 pm
Contact us:
We appreciate your support of music at WCM. Thank you!